The Tin Man has a heart. I've decided that. I mean, he goes through the entire movie caring and worrying about Dorothy, even though she's a ditz. But for whatever odd reason, he thinks that he has no heart and all he wants is a heart. But how could you want things without a heart? How could you care about anything without a heart?And when he finally does get his "heart", it's a clock with red sparkles on it. Is that a heart? No. It's clockwork. It is no heart. He's had a heart all along, but it's not like in Kingdom Hearts where you smack a baddy with a key and out comes a glowing red thing. A heart is something else. But supposedly I don't have one. Supposedly I am devoid of either the clockwork or the glowing red thing. All I have is a muscular blood pumping organ, although some will tell you that it is doubtful if I have even that.
So what do you want? What the hell do you want from me? Do you want me to walk around proclaiming how I feel at all times? Do you want me to fall on my knees in front of you and sob? I don't understand, and I usually understand everything. To you, does having a heart mean crying because you don't get what you want? To you, does having a heart mean that I simply lather affection on all of you? My heart is no loofah and I don't think Oil of Olay would go too nicely with it. It might sting. Scratch that. It would sting.
My heart is no carnival, it is not a freak show for you to gawk at. It does not prance around, looking for attention. My heart is no show dog. My heart is not yours to hang on a wall. It is mine. And it does not belong on my sleeve. My heart lies in my breast and it pulses slowly. I feel everything that you feel, probably even more. When you've lived as long as I have, there isn't a way to not have a heavy heart. And oh, mine is weighty indeed. It is heavy and you have no idea what lurks within. You say I have no heart, you say I have no soul. I am the Tin Man. I am hollow inside. But you are wrong. And I don't feel a need to prove anything to you.
Suck on that bitch,
1 comment:
A muscular organ?!
Can't you see it, Ms. Pennywise? Well, if this one's too small for you, why not try this one on for size?
It's... it's blinding me!
Okay now to respond to your actual entry. I think having a heart means (among other things) having compassion. Are you compassionate, Daisuke?
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