Is there a cause big enough to lie for so that the lie is morally right?
Is there a lie small enough to be morally right?
If any of you talk about "moral relativism", I will eat your soul.
Because "moral relativism" is absolute hogwash.
Also, though I tell myself, "Courage Daisuke! Courage! There is always hope!", the problem with hope is that it breaks all walls, even those made of iron and glass and space and time. It exposes and opens. Hope has that incredible quality of making a person totally vulnerable without that person even caring, or even noticing. Then in my case, it forces me to analyze, and over-analyze everything that ever has, will, or could happen. And so I rebuild the fortress, and so I remake the walls and the chambers and the labyrinth within. And so I recreate the holes and traps and curtains and windows and latches and locks and barricades. Even this paragraph reminds me of a wall, of some kind of vast monolith tearing across my page. Across your page. And so I tire of hope. And so I tire of hope. And so I tire of hope.
Comes the day and I sit. Comes the day and I sit. Comes the day and I sit.
I'm tired, I'm done with sitting!
Now is the time to move, now is the time for action!
But oh! I fear!
All I know is fear!
There is safety in my defenses, there is safety in holding back.
There is security, there is order.
And I fear and fear and fear.
And I sit and sit and sit.
And I tire and tire and tire.
But I know what I must do.
I must take the chance, I must leap, I must step from the shadows.
I am everything I want to be!
I am everything that has ever been!
I am the culmination of history so far!
It's time to assume my mantle of responsibility.
It's time to take a chance.
And so I will.
Regardless of rejection, of fear, of death, of running out of time, of losing it all.
I will.
I will.
I will.
Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye.
It has to be tomorrow.
Now or never!
Tomorrow or never!
Tuesday or never!
August or never?
The end.