This is to all four, maybe five of you. If you recall my first post, you'll remember I mentioned writing a book. So now I've started it. So far, I'm calling it the Pseudo Memoir. Because that might be what it turns out to be. I'm not sure yet. But I'm certain that I will be using absolutely everything I've written here, and perhaps your comments. So please keep going. Please keep writing stuff here. I'll update you on how it's going, but so far I only have the intro and chapter 1 done. I don't have much to say right now, but just you wait. The flood is rising and the dykes can only hold it back for so long.
P.S. The only kind of charity is the kind where the person wants to do the charity. Not when they feel they should. Not in any degree. Only when they want to with the very core of their being. Otherwise it is not charity, it is masturbation.
P.P.S. I speak the truth.