Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Jerusalem Declaration

Dear Reader,
          Allow me to direct you attention here. Click on it and read it. And now look at this. Long ago, the Church split, creating Roman Catholicism and Greek Orthodox. All that was over whether or not icons of Mary and Christ were false idols. And now we reach a turning point. The Catholic Church has made it's position on homosexuality very clear and it stands by it now. However, the Episcopal churches of the world have not. And that is the foundation of why GAFCON is not showing up at Lambeth and why they created The Jerusalem Declaration. But I tell you now, I do not accept this. I reject this fully. 
So, homosexuality is wrong. Let's go with that assumption for a bit. It's wrong and all who practice it will go to hell and burn forever and be flogged and (Insert torture here) etc. Oh yes. It's a sin. Now, let's go back to the GAFCON statement. They uphold that "The doctrine of the church is grounded in the holy scriptures..." Yes, well let's get our Bibles out, shall we? Oh look, God is smiting Sodom and Gomorrah and Lot's wife has become a pillar of stone. Hmm... I don't think I know that God. That God used to smite and destroy what did not fit. He was like a young child trying to put a square peg in a circular hole, getting frustrated and finally blowing the damn thing up. Where is your God now?
So we're still assuming that homosexuality is a terrible abomination. God had no problem blasting the shit out of what he didn't like, if it's so terrible why haven't I been struck by lightning yet? Where is your God now?
Let me tell you where God is now. God is dealing with everything else in existence, because all that stuff is important. Oh, and because homosexuality is not an abomination. I like having cocks up my ass. I like kissing guys. Whatever. You know, if you have sex you will get pregnant and then you will die. 
And you know what? I could care less. I could care less if this is a mental condition or a disease. I could care less if I burn for all eternity. I'm a flaming faggot and I accept that and all the possible consequences. 
They have made their declaration, so now I will make one of my own, a Manifesto of Fire, The Pound Ridge Declaration, if you will.

1. I rejoice in my existence, in my life within or without the church and the gospel. I love and will be loved by those who surround me and those who I know.

2. I believe in myself, in my heart, and in my head and that they shall be the world that has been created and that I exist in. 

3. I uphold my integrity and my belief above all others that would have me reviled.

4. I reject all those who would see me vilified and all those who would spoil and contort the true messages of their faith.

5. I gladly proclaim and rejoice in my existence, regardless of hellfire or salvation, sin or judgement. 

6. I will never sacrifice my identity for want of my life, nor will I deny myself for want of salvation, nor compromise my soul or ideals for any and all people who would see me on my knees, begging for repentance.

7. I acknowledge the creation or evolution of both men and women, and the union of men and women with either sex and that love is the unchangeable standard for which a union is to be based upon. I reject any and all requests for forgiveness for straying from the path of heterosexuality, for it is no crime and no sin to be a homosexual.

8. I will uphold and revere justice as it is meant to be dealt, care for the forsaken, and bring hope to the lost.

9. I am committed to the unity and fellowship of all peoples, regardless of any affiliations, race, gender, or sexuality and do encourage others to follow my example as well as celebrating our differences. I pledge to work with the aforementioned to make a more perfect world for our existence.

10. I reject the authority and do not recognize the rank of those who subjugate or deprecate all people of this earth. I ask them to join us in our quest for unity.

11. I will live my life to the fullest as each moment of each day is the culmination of history to that point.

12. I will preach no false gospel, nor will I adhere to any thought that I deem false, but instead shall follow my soul to where it leads me.

13. I will love whoever I choose, and I will do so regardless of whatever consequence may come as a result, be it the fiery abyss of hell or the pearly gates of heaven. I will be a martyr for love if the time comes when I must choose between my life and my love. As such, I reject and deny and negate all who would limit or exclude or deny any and all people from love.

With joy and with love and filled with light,


Anonymous said...

Wow, I know you can't hear me, but I give you my applause and kudos. I also send you the best wishes in upholding everything that you stand for. I personally believe that the church is merely another tool used to keep people in line **cough*government*cough**... There is a very large difference in holding authoritative power over someone in their protection and controlling someone for the sense of power and prestige.

Unknown said...

the cool thing about hell is that all your friends will be there...and i mean you as 'we' not specifically as you, DK.

Harmon Siegel said...

1. I made a blog.
2. You're gay? (gasp)
3. As you know, I don't like the word gay because I don't believe in 'sexual orientations' per say. I think the way the church has chosen to address the gay problem is reflective of its overall problem: a depart from scripture. Scripture never actually uses the word gay (because sexual orientations didn't exist as a linguistic or legal concept until the prosecution of Oscar Wilde in the 19th century.) Scripture expressly forbids lying with man as you lie with woman, and, as in Sodom, raping people. What the church is doing now is confusing their scripture with their political past. The official doctrine of both the Evangelical and Catholic sects is to treat the New Testament as a perfection of the Old, and where they contradict, Jesus wins out. If they accepted scripture at its word, then, perhaps they would pay more attention to the Jesus' "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" than to the Old testaments condemnation of anal. So in conclusion, the bible is still cool. Especially when read by Samuel L. Jackson.

The end.

db. said...

Somebody's bitter.

db. said...

P.S. I have linked you.