This is to all four, maybe five of you. If you recall my first post, you'll remember I mentioned writing a book. So now I've started it. So far, I'm calling it the Pseudo Memoir. Because that might be what it turns out to be. I'm not sure yet. But I'm certain that I will be using absolutely everything I've written here, and perhaps your comments. So please keep going. Please keep writing stuff here. I'll update you on how it's going, but so far I only have the intro and chapter 1 done. I don't have much to say right now, but just you wait. The flood is rising and the dykes can only hold it back for so long.
P.S. The only kind of charity is the kind where the person wants to do the charity. Not when they feel they should. Not in any degree. Only when they want to with the very core of their being. Otherwise it is not charity, it is masturbation.
P.P.S. I speak the truth.
Nice to meet you, empathize with your blog.
Linking to your blog, please.
Please do not solicit me.
I won't link with anybody if I don't know them.
My apologies.
Also, I can't read your blog.
I love reading memoirs in general, but I think yours will perhaps be one of the most interesting and entertaining. I definitely support this idea (not like my support matters, but I thought I'd mention it anyway).
The highest form of charity is teaching someone the skills to help themselves, but I couldn't do that because I'm a terrible writer.
Good luck!
That is an excellent step forward!! Not much to say on this end either, only well wishes for your "Memoir". Forgive me, but I have trouble grasping one of your closing statements... I can't make the jump from "obligatory charity" to masturbation. Perhaps you could elaborate??
Masturbation is an act that involves self stimulation of the genitals, usually ending in an orgasm. Usually. And what does that orgasm bring? Waves of good feeling and pleasure. You know the drill. But charity done without the right intentions is nothing but an act designed to fluff that charitable samaritans ego. Should a person go to Nicaragua because they feel they should, they are going to Nicaragua in order to make themselves feel good. To appease whatever guilt they may have. Hence, self stimulation of the ego all for the final orgasm of seemingly altruistic feeling. The only difference between actual masturbation and charitable masturbation is that the latter doesn't usually end in screams/a mess/a child.
OK I think I get it now... Now that I understand, (and just got out of the shower [I swear I was thinking and washing, nothing more!!]) I want to elaborate further. Performing charitable acts JUST for the generous feeling is pharisaic and is in effect, like masturbation! The good feelings associated with charity are side-effects, not the end result. Perhaps, in intention, they are no better off than the politician (a.k.a. "demagogue") who performs public acts of "charity" to gain the people's favor??
Hi Daisuke,
I also read your blog, so I guess I am perhaps your sixth reader. Anyway, glad to hear you are writing a book. I wrote half of a book (a little more than a hundred pages) once, but then last winter my computer crashed and I forgot to back it up on a different system. Oh well. So your book is a memoir? I'm not to good at writing memoirs or personal narratives. I'm a realistic fiction person, tying in my own experiences and twisting and intertwining them to form something completely new... Well, glad to hear that you have gotten a chapter in already! Keep up the good work! Also, what you said about charity... I guess you are right about charity, however I hesitate to agree that there is only one kind of charity. I would ask you to reconsider that instead maybe there is only one kind of true charity. There are many different motives to doing charity: getting into college, getting support of people, feeling good about yourself, helping others, and more. The true charity is the one that someone does truly for the purpose of helping others, without any personal motives. However, as you can see, in many cases it isn't so. Even if you are doing charity for the purpose of feeling good, it's still charity though, it just isn't true charity.
I would like to note that all of your blogs are very interesting and make you think. Hope you and your family are well.
With the best of luck to the "Pseudo Memoir,"
P.S. Please remember I'm a couple years younger than you, so I probably wrote some stupid/self contradictory statements without realizing it, so if I did, please forgive me.
P.P.S. I also speak the truth.
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