Where is the line? Where does integrity end? I wish that I could live a life of ideals, a life full of integrity. But as my grandmother tells me over and over, "Ideals are nice, but they won't get you elected." And it's true. Let's take a look at politics for a bit. Obama and Hilary were pretty far left on the spectrum, but once Obama made it onto the national scene where he needed to win over more people than before he drifted towards the center. Had he kept his views during the primaries, he would definitely not be doing as well as he is doing right now.
Even so, a price was paid. Integrity was lost. Pragmatism gained. Ideal? Psh. Thrown out the window. Kevin too threw his ideals out the window, but he sacrificed his identity as well. The ends supposedly justify the means. Thank you Machiavelli! But do they? Going back to the Obama bit, he would not get elected if he didn't make a few compromises along the way. Ideals are nice, but they simply will not get you elected. Not in this day and age. Anyways, won't you be able to do more once you are in office?
True, you can't do much if you get elected. And you cannot get to the White House without giving a few comforts up. But once you are there, promises have been made, speeches have been given, statements are on the record. You reach the goal, but you're tied down now. Sure, Kevin might make partner, but then what? Does he have to continue living a lie? As an out gay man, I am incensed by this. How can you give up what you've spent your life fighting for? Personally I cannot imagine that happening to anybody. I tend to be able to imagine anything, but I cannot imagine that at all.
And pragmatism leads me to ask the question, "What can be done?" And the answer is simple. Nothing. Unless there is a global, or nationwide upheaval, nothing will change. One person can make a stand, but they will be blindsided and ignored by the masses. But wouldn't that be the best way to be ignored? Making a stand for idealism and sticking to your guns even though nothing comes of it? Maybe, just maybe that will be enough. After all, dominoes don't just fall. You have to push one of them.